Welcome to CMServices Global Ltd.
UK: +44(0) 7422 079140   Baltic: +370(8) 652 99978


Full Remote Services

Remote Services include Vibration Analysis/ Thermography and Oil Analysis – Regular inspections by ships engineering staff generate automatically uploaded route information which is added to the vessel database. These are then analysed by our engineers for necessary action and reports are then sent to the vessel and ship management.


The vast majority of plant on a vessel can be monitored via a low cost, scheduled manual inspection, using handheld instrumentation, and the data analysed remotely. This removes the cost of requiring staff (qualified  Level 3 VM with 2-3 years field experience) on each vessel to carry out analysis of data.

How does it work?

  • CMServices Global Ltd engineers will visit the vessel, perform a full baseline survey, create an on-board database, train the crew in data collection and basic analysis, and generate a report on all initial machine conditions.
  • The vessel database is then held at CMServices Global Ltd (1) and company headquarters (2).
  • Plant is manually inspected by vessel technicians and the results automatically uploaded to CMServices Global Ltd (3).
  • Results are analysed and Reliability based Maintenance reports automatically generated for both vessel and management (4). These will contain details of trending, fault severity, all actions required (immediate, medium and long term), and vessel compliance (data collection and fault repair).
  • Results can be integrated into fleet CMS for live monitoring of work carried out, and post repair readings.

cm-mapOnline Monitoring

Where more critical machines (Generators, compressors, turbines etc) are fitted with continuous online monitoring, this data can also be included in the Remote Analysis Service.

By implementing a full remote diagnostic service the following benefits can be derived:

  • Replacement of standard Planned Maintenance operations with an optimised ISO based Reliability based Maintenance Programme.
  • Minimisation of risks and costs, and maximisation of safety, uptime, reliability and asset value.
  • Reducing downtime, parts inventories
  • Optimisation of refit planning
  • Automated report generation
  • Centralised reporting and database system with integration into clients CMMS system.
  • Long term trending of machine condition and vessel compliance
  • In-house expertise to derive maximum results from in initial baseline measurements, rather than time consuming building of and depending on trends.

Let's build something together! Get in touch.

United Kingdom: +44(0) 7422 079140

Lithuania: +370(8) 652 99978

Email: info@cmservicesglobal.co.uk

CMServices Global Ltd. is partnered with these industry leading companies & institutions.

  • Click here to visit the OptiMain website.
  • Click here to visit the Maintenance In Balance website.
  • Click here to visit the TWI website.