As time permits, meet with the CMServices engineer to discuss machinery priorities and maintenance issues and to schedule machinery change overs that work best for you and your engineering staff. We will accommodate working at a pace that best suits you to maximise results and compliance.
Benefits of CMServices:
Earn opening waivers
With CM Services data trends, Class Societies will give each machine a Condition Monitoring (CM) notation. You may receive a waver of open-and-inspect requirements.
Maximize reliability and reduce costs
Vibration Condition Monitoring data supplements your planned maintenance schedule.
- Make repairs when vibrations become critical
- Combine with scheduled work to create savings and reduce downtime
- Delay scheduled maintenance when data warrants, maximising operating time.
Our findings will help you to:
- Allocate spare parts, repair and maintenance and funding
- Save your budget – People, Parts and Equipment
- Eliminate costly complete overhauls by working with condition monitoring reports
- Repair only the machine components that are required. Fix just what is wrong
- Prepare you for shipyard or maintenance period
- Keep your relief informed of maintenance issues.
- Limit the need for lengthy turnover reports.
- The information is permanently available from CMServices